Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Awesome April Spring Celebration!!
Hello wonderful counselors,
So...spring is here, the snow is melted, I'm a happy camper!! I've decided to thank my amazing followers and fans and kick off the start of spring at the same time!!
From April 6-10, I will be throwing a Awesome April Spring Celebration that will consist of the following:
1. New Products (available at a discounted price for 24 hours)
2. Surprise Freebies (Surprise Freebies for you to enjoy)
3. Daily Discounts (each day, existing products will be available in my store for 50% off for 24 hours only!
4. Amazing giveaways: a new giveaway each day!!
All of the awesomeness will be taking place on my facebook page and TpT store, you can like "Cheerful Counseling" on facebook by clicking HERE. Be sure to check each day for the daily new product, surprise freebie, giveaway, and discounts during the week of April 6-10.
You can click HERE to download the detailed information about the sale!! If you have any questions, feel free to email me, facebook message, or comment on this post!!
You won't want to miss this!!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Jotting it all down: Forms, Documentation, and Organization in School Counseling
Hello Counselors!!
It's been awhile since I've blogged! Things have been busy and I'm so glad to get back on here today!! Another thing that I am learning throughout my internship is finding a system for "Jotting it all down". Keeping track, documenting, and organizing are important parts of the job, and I've been working to find a system that works for me. I would also like to share some of the things that have worked for me:
1. Having a central place for everything: Structure is important for me, and when I had multiple folders for similar things, it started to get a bit overwhelming. Whether its an accordion file, file folders, binder, use what works for you!! I use a combination of file folders and a binder. Binders are extremely helpful for organization, and a great way to keep all of my counseling stuff organized, and everything stays in one place :) I typically use my file folders for keeping track of materials that need to be submitted such as applications, bulletin board materials, etc.
2. Clipboard and Forms: My clipboard is great for jotting down notes and keeping track on my logs!! When the logs are complete, I keep them in the "counseling logs" section of my binder! The forms and notes pages on my clipboard help remind me of what currently needs to be done. I purchased mine at Target for $4.00. I've also seen some cute personalized clipboards on Etsy that I have my eye on :) I always keep a pen clipped onto my clipboard for easy access!
3. Scrap Paper is your friend: Scrap paper is great way to jot down a quick note. I keep an envelope on my clipboard where I can keep my scrap paper reminders. Feel free to use old worksheets, cut them in 4's, and reuse the blank back pages for jotting down notes! Also, if you keep a file for each student, it can also be great for jotting down notes for your file.
4. Google Docs: I got introduced to google docs this year, and I love it :) I've began using it to create and email forms. For example, I created a classroom guidance survey for teachers on when to visit classrooms, specific topics, etc. The forms you create can also be emailed or used as a hard copy. You can also use it for documentation, and The Stylish School Counselor has a great post on google drive documentation that you can check out by clicking HERE.
If you're a form-person (like me!) I have a few items in my TeachersPayTeachers Store that you can check out:
This message log is great for keeping track of messages from parents, teachers, and other staff members and documentation date & time of when the call was returned. You can download this item in my TpT store for FREE. Click HERE to download!!
This communication log is perfect for contacts and keeping track of conversations during our school day. There is space for name, date, notes, and if a follow up is needed.You can click HERE to download :)
My School Counselor Organization Pack and Planner Pack have been helpful to me also. I created this product because it really suits my needs, and I hope you find them useful too!
Turquoise and Orange
Black and White
Pink and Green
Purple and Yellow
I hope that you found this post useful!!
How do you stay organized in the world of school counseling? Feel free to comment below, post on my facebook page/facebook message, or email at!! I would love to hear from you!!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
#NSCW2015: Happy National School Counseling Week
Hello Counselors!! :)
I wanted to take a minute to wish all the school counselors a very happy National School Counseling Week!! :) Thank you for all that you do!! :) School counseling is an amazing job, and making a difference in the lives of students!!
In addition, many TpT sellers (including myself) are throwing a sale to celebrate NSCW15!! You can save 15% off at the following TpT stores: You can click on the store to check out their amazing products!!
Cheerful Counseling
School Counseling is Magical
Traci R Brown
Counselor Corner
Carol Miller and The Middle School Counselor Blog
The Counselor's Files
Mental Phil's
School Counseling Files
It's been awhile since I've blogged and shared ideas...things have been crazy busy for me and I will be posting some more new products, and a giveaway will be coming up stay tuned :)
Thanks again for all that you do school counselors!! Thanks for being awesome :)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Spreading Kindness...
Hello all,
This post will be short and's super late and I'm waking up super early in the morning (haha).
Well, first of all I would love to say......HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I've had a fantastic holiday and break, and some much needed relaxation time, and I hope yours was fantastic also!...But I have also created a few new products during the break, During the ring in 2015 sale, I purchased a few excellent products that I plan to use very soon!
I wanted to briefly discuss spreading kindness in this post. Kindness is an amazing gift to offer others, and the holidays gave me an opportunity to do just that :) I love the idea of Rachel's Challenge and how kindness is a chain reaction and can spread from one person to another. Rachel's Challenge is a great program that I hope to implement into my school building someday.
During the break, I have added 2 new products to my TeachersPayTeachers store:
I've created a Kindness Activity Pack titled "Spread Kindness" and it includes a cute PB&J bread theme. It includes a kindness tracker sheet, bulletin board materials, kindness conversation cards, S.P.R.E.A.D Kindness acronym poster, and 2 kindness worksheets, and printables to create a kindness memory book! You can purchase this item by clicking HERE.
I also have created a hygeine pack focused on handwashing and brushing teeth. This product is titled "Touchdown to good hygiene" with a super cute football theme. This pack includes a teeth poem, handwashing steps, good hygiene/poor hygiene matching card game, and a good hygiene game plan worksheet. You can also purchase this one by clicking HERE.
What programs or activities do you have in your building for encouraging and spreading kindness? I would love to hear them!
Until Next Time,